Life with Diapers

I am the wife of a Corporate Drone by day, Rock Star by night. AND the best mom I can be to a gorgeous toddler. PLUS managing to work full time. And somehow I have turned 31.

Friday, August 05, 2005

whoo hoooo!

I got a 95 on my first test. Would have gotten a 100. :( The catch to these online schools is they trick you with each question, to catch the people who don't read the question in full. And at least one question is buried deep in the chapter.

So, I got caught up in their trickery. You won't get me next time you silly online schooling people!

Hubby now reads my blog. DAMN!
And here I thought I had a quiet little corner to express, bitch and whine about things....Now I have some 'splaining to do. Hopefully he will understand that what flows from my brain down and out through my fingers is 'heat of the moment' and if feels better to release things.

Hubby should know I love him very much. I know he has his moments where he has stuff to complain about me at times. I just choose to complain in word rather than verbally. Half the stuff I complain about isn't worth the effort and breath to speak.



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