Life with Diapers

I am the wife of a Corporate Drone by day, Rock Star by night. AND the best mom I can be to a gorgeous toddler. PLUS managing to work full time. And somehow I have turned 31.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Well, How was your long weekend?

I had a wonderful weekend, especially with the great day I had on Thursday to kick it off!
After my last posting, my manager called me to her office and told me that I am going back to my old job title, not the same customers, but back to the same functions and duties.
I am elated!

I don't have to install her orders for much longer! My co-worker pretty much unloaded everything I had told him, to my manager. I busted Little Miss Ignorances' ass all over the place. I told how she didn't do shit and how her (my old) customers were contacting me for help b/c she never replied to their requests. I don't know what our manager will do, no one wants to work with Little Miss Ignorance, and she just may not have a back-up or someone to install her stuff b/c no one wants to work with her. there's a reason my old cube was still empty when I came back!

Hubby and I drove down to visit my Mom and Step-dad for a spell. Baby-guy was with us and was pleasant as could be. There were a lot of 'firsts' for him on this trip... First taste of cantelope and watermelon, first zwieback toast, first graham cracker, first time chewing on a french fry... And... his first time in a swimming pool! He loved it!

Mom agreed a while ago to watch baby guy while we go to a wedding this weekend. Somehow, she forgot but still agreed to watch him, however, with a little twist on things... Baby guy stayed at Mom's house, and we came home with just the dog.

My brother, SIL and my niece are going to visit Mom this next weekend. Then all of them are going to an amusement park for the day on Monday. So I wont see him until at least Tue or Wed of next week. I was a mess leaving yesterday to come home. I cried before we left the house, I cried backing out of the long driveway at Mom's, I cried on our first 20 minutes into the car ride home. Hubby said we could turn around and go get him, and part of me wanted to, but this was something I have to get over. He is having fun down there and Mom promised to send me a picture each day.
Oh, it felt horrible. My heart literally hurt, I used to scoff when people said that they could 'feel' heartbreak, but let me tell you, I felt it and it sucked big time.

Oh well, atleast I can get some errands done without having to check and make sure Hubby will be around to watch the little guy.



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