Have you seen this site?
I was forwarded this link by a co-worker earlier today...http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ Apparently, people send homemade postcards to an address in Germantown Maryland. On these postcards, people reveal deep dark secrets that they probably swore would never see the light of day...
One postcard states 'He's been in prison for two years because of what I DID. 9 more to go.'
So if you feel so inclined, make up a postcard and send it in. I love reading these secrets...
I would never ever reveal any of my deep dark secrets. There's a reason they are deep and dark. I enjoy keeping my secrets. And I enjoy thinking to myself, when I am speaking with a person whom I keep a secret from, "Ha Ha, if you only knew "
13345 Copper Ridge Rd
Germantown, Maryland
USA 20874-3454
P.S A big 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' to my bro... ;)
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