Just a bunch of random crap
I haven't really had much to write about lately. But just because I don't have anything specific to say, dosen't mean I can just not write, does it?
Baby guy is getting big, almost 7 months old and weighs in at 2 ounces shy of 20 pounds. I pulled my back out last Thursday picking him up from his crib.
-sidenote, my back is all jacked up from a car accident years ago, I was rear ended.- Anyway, after Thursday I was in pain for days, and on pain killers. I have an appt on Monday to see an orthopedic surgeon. I don't think surgury can be put off for much longer. I have already had the epideral injections and they do relieve the pain, but they wear off.
I would like to give a special Thanks to the BITCH that rear ended me. I would like to get my payout from my victorious lawsuit sometime in the near future. Just how much is your house worth? Got any of your great-great-great-grandmothers expensive china you could sell?
I just don't get what is taking so long to get my money. I offered to settle for the policy limits, my offer was rudely ignored by the insurance company. I took it to court and got a decent amount awarded to me, and still no money. What should I expect from an insurance company that is associated with those freaky Scientologists? *Tom Cruise, you sir, are an idiot. After watching you act like a total spaz on Oprah and then going off on Matt Lauer, I have decided that you need medication. Perhaps some ritalin?*
My eye is giving me all sorts of trouble lately. It's oozing and tearing up and theres a red mark on my eyeball under my lower eyelid. On Monday, I woke up and it was all crusty, I said 'oh shit, I have pink eye' I expected to go into the baby's room and find his eyes all crusted over too, but they weren't. So I am the lucky winner with some sort of funky eye goo problem. Lovely.
Men. All of them are dicks. Not all of the time, but at one time or another, they can be dicks. I am sure they will tell you all Women are bitches at one time or another, and hey, thats perfectly o.k with me if they say that b/c it's true.
My friend and I went out for a quick bite to eat last night, appetizers and beer, had to take baby guy with me. He enjoyed himself. The purpose was to get her mind off of her total jerkoff EX-boyfriend who had decided to end things with her. The way he went about it was the most fucked up thing I have seen in some time. It was obvious he was fishing for a reason and when one didn't present itself, he brings up something pretty harmless that was done months ago. All the stuff she has done for him and relationships strained as a result of him. All for nothing, wasted time, wasted energy, wasted tears on a jerkoff user and mental abuser. Come to think about it, they only one doing anything for anyone was her doing stuff for him. I cannot honestly recall him doing anything for her.
Yeah they suck.
But dosen't everyone at one time or another?
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