Uhhhh What day is it today?
Can we say tired and stressed out?
Work has totally done a complete turnaround. As I said in a previous post, I no longer install orders for Little Miss Ignorance. I have my own Customers that I support and install for again.
I have missed working in this capacity. Right now I am installing 3 large networks. I know I was put on this because there was no one else who could do this, it was not like they said 'Oh yeah lets put M on it'. But I am making management glad that I am back on an account.
This is a highprofile project that is being watched at the Director and Vice President level. I see bonuses in the future, hopefully LARGE bonuses.
So my web-surfing has diminished and I can't chit chat on the phone much more these days. Poor Sophie, she calls and she gets the 'Uh-Huh'. HA HA, HOW'S IT FEEL???
See, she 'uh huh's' people when she's not paying attention. However my 'uh huh's' are because I am actually working on something.
Her 'uh huh's' get her in trouble when she uh huh/agrees to things then she dosent remember what shes gotten herself into.
Well thats my update.
33 Days to go until my vacation with my Hubby!
Sorry its not with you Soph, but Mommy needs a break and needs to reconnect with Hubby. Yeah yeah yeah, gross, shush!
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