Life with Diapers

I am the wife of a Corporate Drone by day, Rock Star by night. AND the best mom I can be to a gorgeous toddler. PLUS managing to work full time. And somehow I have turned 31.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Last night was a rough one

So As usual... I lost my marbles last night.

Hubby goes out last night to watch the game. Sophie left at about 9 o'clock or so. I straightend up around here and went to bed, trying to watch a movie.

Baby guy up about every 20 minutes. I'm falling asleep every 5 minutes, trying to watch the movie.

Hubby comes home at 1130, and feeling REEEEAAAALLLYY GOOD!

Midnight, I am jolted out of sleep by Hubby downstairs screaming at the top of his lungs. I ran downstairs checking baby guys door was closed on the way.

There he is, with the back door open (probably smoking a cigarette) yelling on the phone with a friend, about a fucking stupid football play.

He saw me tear around the banister and the look on my face was 'what the fuck just happened' He was like oh shit I woke her up.
At this point I am tearing up because I honestly thought someone was killing him or something happened to baby guy.
Then he proceeds to put the phone up to my ear while telling whoever he was talking to, to apologize to me. WTF?!
I pushed it away and went back to bed. Correction, TRIED TO GO BACK TO BED.

He comes up to bed, pisses and flushed the toilet, Baby guy up again . I get him asleep again. 2am He's awake again, so from 2 to 530, I was trying to get him to sleep again. I brought him in our bed, he fell asleep, I put him back in his crib. He wakes up minutes later, back to our bed.

Hubby is snoring and waking up occasionally to act all annoyed that the baby is in the bed, back and forth and even in his rocking chair and then on the god damned floor next to his crib, nothing was working. At 530 as I am in tears 'please just go to sleep, please, shhhhhh, please shut up' trying to get him quiet and asleep in our bed. As I am dragging baby guy back to his crib, for the 3rd time, to at this point just leave him in it b/c I was seriously afraid I was going to hurt him.

Now Hubby decides to intervene. 'Stop, Put him back down, don't pick him up like that'. AS I AM IN FUCKING TEARS!!! I just walked away with my head in my hands, went downstairs and cried for an hour.

Hey dickhead, thanks for the help....How about stepping in BEFORE I am in tears?


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