Life with Diapers

I am the wife of a Corporate Drone by day, Rock Star by night. AND the best mom I can be to a gorgeous toddler. PLUS managing to work full time. And somehow I have turned 31.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

My 'Baby Story'

So as you know, I am a Mom to a wonderful, sweet and full of giggles, baby boy. Sometimes I look at him and I feel waves of love and joy take over me. I still cannot believe he is here and is almost 7 months old already. It is hard to imagine that for 41 weeks, I kept him warm and safe inside of me, until the time was right for him to make his appearance.

I worked up to my 39th week, and it was very exhausting to say the very least. With each and every visit to the OB, I would get distressed that I was not dilating or showing the smallest amount of progression. In other words, I was sealed up tighter than a drum! All of the ladies at work would tell me to not let that get me down, he was coming one way or another. And that I could just open up and start labor any minute.

For two weeks I was holed up in the house, waiting. I waited some more and when I was tired of that, I waited even more. I had no energy to do anything but sit around watching T.V. that's when I started watching 'A Baby Story' on TLC. I would sit and watch all these women going into labor and their children being born every single day, and it would depress the crap out of me. I would play a game with myself that I could guess the sex of the babies who's parents chose not to know the sex. I was getting pretty good at it too.

I was also getting so angry that they were having their little girls and boys, why wasn't mine cooperating?! Once they delivered their sons and daughters I would find myself in tears! Blame it on hormones or longing to have my own son make his appearance, but I would sit there crying.

So on one visit to my OB, my blood pressure was a couple of points higher than usual (3 points to be exact) and the Dr. Did not like that at all. They tried to get me admitted to the birthing center that I was going to deliver at. Well as they say, there was no room at the Inn. I had to wait a day to be admitted and be induced. Still no contractions-nothing.

As it turns out I was admitted on the 30th of December in the evening. They hooked me up to all of the monitors and IV's and started attempting to induce labor. My mother had arrived in town for the delivery (At first she wasn't going to be here, she had plans. And I was very upset with her for choosing those over the birth of her grandson. After a few frantic, crying calls with my brothers, they called her to get her in 'check'. Hours before I was going to the birthing center, she said she was on her way and was taking a flight to get up here asap) Hubby got a 'pass' and Mom offered to stay the first night with me.

I went to sleep with the hopes of waking up and being 5 or 6 inches dilated. I barely slept, I had the sound of my son's heartbeat up loud so I could hear him. Some times it was like he was taunting me.

So the next morning, I wake up and I have dilated to maybe a 1cm. So they moved on to the inducing drip in my IV. Hours go by and I only got up to 2 cm. I was having random contractions, but nothing consistent.

Later in the afternoon, the Dr. decides to stretch my cervix to force it to soften and open up. The Dr. inserted a balloon into my cervix and filled it with saline with a syringe.
Let me tell you the pain was so fierce that I can't even match it to anything on this earth.
I rolled around in pain for hours. Sometimes I would get a sedative, I think it was a sedative, because when I asked the nurse if it would help the pain, she said I wouldn't care about the pain at all. So that tells me 'No, it will not ease the pain'. And it made me forget about it for like half an hour before it would wear off.

It's getting into the evening hours and the night nurse comes on her shift. She comes to my room to introduce herself and see's me in excruciating pain and in tears. She demanded to know why I did not have an epidural yet, Since I was obviously in pain. I think I got 'lost' in the shuffle of the shift change. So I ended up getting my epidural. Hubby was getting queasy but he stayed in the room with me, he crouched down on the floor and didn't look, he stayed focused on my face, the sight of the needle in my back would have made him sick or worse, faint.

They broke my water, and gave up on the balloon. By this time I was only 4 cm dilated. I kept thinking 'How long is this going to take? Come on people DO SOMETHING TO GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!'

My father in law and his girlfriend came by on their way to a New Years eve party. They decide to go to their party but stayed maybe 20 minutes and came back to the birthing center. Everyone decided to have their own New Years eve party in my room.

So we have my husband, his father, his father's girlfriend and my mother all hanging out. And me just sitting there-waiting.

The Midnight count down comes and goes and I'm in a daze. I think I was asleep for the count down. At 12:15 am , January 1 2005, my Dr. comes in and says that nothing is working, I can choose to continue to try to get labor induced with the drip, but she would only let that go on for another two hours at the very most, or have a cesarean. HELLO?! Where was she with this news hours ago? I talked with my husband and we decided the waiting was over, there was no point it stretching it out. I was never going to deliver this child, he would have to be taken out of me.

My mom was very concerned and worried about me having the cesarean. Dr. assured her I would be ok and the next thing I know, I am being wheeled out of the room. My husband was left behind to get in his scrubs and had a last minute pep talk with his father.

Everything happened so quickly. I remember getting another dose in my epidural cathedra. And I remember my husband coming in to sit by my head behind the blue curtain. He didn't look over the curtain, he stayed focused on me.

A few tugs and pulls and all of a sudden I hear the most wonderful screams that a only a mother could love. It was my boy! He was finally here with me!
I was shaking from the drugs and crying. They gave me a quick look at him and I kissed him, and he was on his way to get foot printed and bathed. While in the OR, the staff had told me that my son was the first baby born in Loudoun County. He's a celebrity already!

Hubby stayed with the baby and took about 50 pictures of the staff weighing, cleaning and dressing him. I was sewn up and taken to recovery. I had to lay in this semi dark room with a nurse. She talked to me to make sure I was ok and not having any side effects.

After what seemed like an hour, it probably was, I was rolled to my room where my family was waiting. I could see they had been crying and were so happy. My mom was really happy that she was here for Baby guy's birth.
Mom went home to our house, and my husband stayed the night with me. I didn't get to sleep until around 5am.

Later that day, a nurse comes in to tell me that the local newspaper wants to interview us because we were the first birth in the County. I was a wreck, I looked terrible, my face was all swollen. I tried to smear on some makeup and look sort of presentable. It was a quick interview, I was totally out of it.

Since I had a cesarean, I had 4 days in the hospital. I had some issues with my incision, but for the most part, I was doing ok.

We came home and found copies of the local newspaper that interviewed us.

There we are on the front page.

There I am in all my glory looking like I had been stung by 100 bee's, I was so swollen!

So that's the story of my little celebrity, making his appearance on New Years.

I can't wait for his 21st birthday!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Oh Lord, give me strength!

Dear G-man,

Please give me strength not to kill my husband. Some days I could just grab him by the ears and attempt to shake some sense into him....

Last night he watered our palm tree/plant for 9 fucking hours! Yes, you read that right, 9 hours. This isn't the first time he has forgotten to turn off the hose either. I don't get why he feels the need to water the frigging thing twice a day. Its a tropical plant, and used to getting only a smidge of water a day, if any at all!

He's going to kill it with all this over-watering, and he dosen't believe me...(hmmmm maybe I should just get it over with and kill it now)

Ugh, he drives me nuts some days, It's always one thing or another, you know?

Say hi to Mary for me....

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Just a bunch of random crap

I haven't really had much to write about lately. But just because I don't have anything specific to say, dosen't mean I can just not write, does it?

Baby guy is getting big, almost 7 months old and weighs in at 2 ounces shy of 20 pounds. I pulled my back out last Thursday picking him up from his crib.
-sidenote, my back is all jacked up from a car accident years ago, I was rear ended.- Anyway, after Thursday I was in pain for days, and on pain killers. I have an appt on Monday to see an orthopedic surgeon. I don't think surgury can be put off for much longer. I have already had the epideral injections and they do relieve the pain, but they wear off.
I would like to give a special Thanks to the BITCH that rear ended me. I would like to get my payout from my victorious lawsuit sometime in the near future. Just how much is your house worth? Got any of your great-great-great-grandmothers expensive china you could sell?

I just don't get what is taking so long to get my money. I offered to settle for the policy limits, my offer was rudely ignored by the insurance company. I took it to court and got a decent amount awarded to me, and still no money. What should I expect from an insurance company that is associated with those freaky Scientologists? *Tom Cruise, you sir, are an idiot. After watching you act like a total spaz on Oprah and then going off on Matt Lauer, I have decided that you need medication. Perhaps some ritalin?*

My eye is giving me all sorts of trouble lately. It's oozing and tearing up and theres a red mark on my eyeball under my lower eyelid. On Monday, I woke up and it was all crusty, I said 'oh shit, I have pink eye' I expected to go into the baby's room and find his eyes all crusted over too, but they weren't. So I am the lucky winner with some sort of funky eye goo problem. Lovely.

Men. All of them are dicks. Not all of the time, but at one time or another, they can be dicks. I am sure they will tell you all Women are bitches at one time or another, and hey, thats perfectly o.k with me if they say that b/c it's true.
My friend and I went out for a quick bite to eat last night, appetizers and beer, had to take baby guy with me. He enjoyed himself. The purpose was to get her mind off of her total jerkoff EX-boyfriend who had decided to end things with her. The way he went about it was the most fucked up thing I have seen in some time. It was obvious he was fishing for a reason and when one didn't present itself, he brings up something pretty harmless that was done months ago. All the stuff she has done for him and relationships strained as a result of him. All for nothing, wasted time, wasted energy, wasted tears on a jerkoff user and mental abuser. Come to think about it, they only one doing anything for anyone was her doing stuff for him. I cannot honestly recall him doing anything for her.

Yeah they suck.
But dosen't everyone at one time or another?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Yes, I know it's been a week!

Happy Anniversary to me and my Hubby, hard to believe it's been a year already! whoo hoo!
I wonder how many people lost bets? Just kidding....

I haven't posted an entry in almost a week! Shame on me... (whatever)

My baby guy is back! I have been miserable w/o him.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed being able to go out and run errands, or just go to the mall and get my hair done. And, I thoroughly enjoyed going to our friends' wedding this past weekend and not having to worry about going home at a certain time. Oh, and sleeping in for an hour each day, oh man, that was wonderful!

Baby guy was starting to get cranky with Lulu and Grampy, and they decided to bring him home a day early. It was hard trying to get him back on his normal schedule last night. He was falling asleep before his bedtime bottle, and wouldn't go to bed w/o it. So he went to bed an hour late, no big deal, but he woke up every few hours, just yelling and babbling away. Needless to say, I am tired. At around midnight, I told Hubby, from now on, I am going to bed when baby guy does. Isn't it Murphy's Law that the nights I go to sleep just after the baby does, he sleeps straight through the night, and the nights I stay up for a bit, the baby wakes up and I do not get enough sleep?
He is sitting on his own for a much longer period of time now. Just this morning he was playing in his crib sitting up and smacking at his fisher price aquarium for about 20 minutes. I bought him an activity set that will transform into other things so he can grow with it. It should be delivered tomorrow, won't he be surprised? I think he will love it.

Here is a Little Miss Ignorance update. Apparently, on Tuesday of last week, she got reamed out for over an hour about how she speaks to people and how she carries herself.
Turns out she LAUGHED at a Sr. Manager from our service center when they made the mistake of asking Miss Ignorance's opinion on how a problem should be handled. She laughed and said something along the lines of 'Hey you're the help group, that's your deal to figure out'. She had no idea she was speaking to a Manager!! She was told that some people will not accept being spoken to so harshly and that she has to watch her tone and how she comes across to people. She said something like 'Well if people don't like it, they can say something to me about it' And she said that 'M (me) has no problem telling her to calm down and change her attitude'. My manager said, 'Not everyone is M'. Miss Ignorance has no clue it's Me who has had it up to *here* with her mouth.
I filled our Manager on a little tid-bit of information... Miss Ignorances theory of work is 'It's business, it's not personal' I can understand taking that type of stance, only on a rare occasion, not every day. She does not understand that she may need the very same people she escalates on or gives a hard time to. I try to tell her that she is burning her bridges and people will take her requests and put them to the back of the pile on their desks. Her response, 'Oh well, then if my stuff doesn't get done, or they push back my orders, etc. I will escalate on them again, I don't care, its business, not personal'

Some people will never learn...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Well, How was your long weekend?

I had a wonderful weekend, especially with the great day I had on Thursday to kick it off!
After my last posting, my manager called me to her office and told me that I am going back to my old job title, not the same customers, but back to the same functions and duties.
I am elated!

I don't have to install her orders for much longer! My co-worker pretty much unloaded everything I had told him, to my manager. I busted Little Miss Ignorances' ass all over the place. I told how she didn't do shit and how her (my old) customers were contacting me for help b/c she never replied to their requests. I don't know what our manager will do, no one wants to work with Little Miss Ignorance, and she just may not have a back-up or someone to install her stuff b/c no one wants to work with her. there's a reason my old cube was still empty when I came back!

Hubby and I drove down to visit my Mom and Step-dad for a spell. Baby-guy was with us and was pleasant as could be. There were a lot of 'firsts' for him on this trip... First taste of cantelope and watermelon, first zwieback toast, first graham cracker, first time chewing on a french fry... And... his first time in a swimming pool! He loved it!

Mom agreed a while ago to watch baby guy while we go to a wedding this weekend. Somehow, she forgot but still agreed to watch him, however, with a little twist on things... Baby guy stayed at Mom's house, and we came home with just the dog.

My brother, SIL and my niece are going to visit Mom this next weekend. Then all of them are going to an amusement park for the day on Monday. So I wont see him until at least Tue or Wed of next week. I was a mess leaving yesterday to come home. I cried before we left the house, I cried backing out of the long driveway at Mom's, I cried on our first 20 minutes into the car ride home. Hubby said we could turn around and go get him, and part of me wanted to, but this was something I have to get over. He is having fun down there and Mom promised to send me a picture each day.
Oh, it felt horrible. My heart literally hurt, I used to scoff when people said that they could 'feel' heartbreak, but let me tell you, I felt it and it sucked big time.

Oh well, atleast I can get some errands done without having to check and make sure Hubby will be around to watch the little guy.