Life with Diapers

I am the wife of a Corporate Drone by day, Rock Star by night. AND the best mom I can be to a gorgeous toddler. PLUS managing to work full time. And somehow I have turned 31.

Monday, January 30, 2006

We forgot Who calls the shots around Casa De Momma & Dadda

Last night, Whooo boy, What a night...

Hubby and I are dog tired today.

Last night Baby guy went down for night-night really good, as usual. We are so lucky that we don't have to do a bedtime ritual, atleast just yet. He has his bottle at 7:30 and only has about 3 or 4 oz and then its off to bed. No rocking, no stories, just plop him down in the crib and kiss goodnight, "Mommy loves you" and out the door I go. And I usually never hear from him again til morning. I know I just jinxed myself, didn't I?
That's how it normally goes...NORMALLY GOES.

Somehow (probably the noisy neighbors with their 3 maniacal kids) he woke up at 10pm and decided he didn't want to be in bed, didn't want to sleep at all. I was actually awake at that time because I snuck in a nap from 3pm to 4:30 in the afternoon, while Baby guy napped.

So off I go up to his room to calm him down and get him back to sleep. I'm rocking, he's fidgeting around, falling asleep, then bolting upright and then dozing off again. I get him asleep at then back to his crib.
Like clockwork, before I can get out the door, he wakes up and it starts all over again. And half the time I didn't see any tears, he's such a faker...

Back and forth this goes on for 2 hours. Hubby steps in and tries. Then He thinks maybe his diaper needs to be changed. I was barely asleep when he comes in with Baby guy and now Baby guy must be thinking 'Hey it's Party Time' he's trying to jump on the bed and throw himself around having a grand ol time.
Unless it's poopy, no diaper is getting changed at 1am!

Long story short (too late!) at 3am, I end up putting him in his crib, crying fit and all, leaving him with 3 Binkies and turning on the TV (which is permanently set to the Disney channel, and going back to bed.

Hubby says Baby guy was awake till around 4:30am. Me, I went right to sleep.
You see we forgot Who's in Charge here. He does not call the shots. If he doesn't feel like sleeping, then he must learn to entertain himself in his crib. There's enough 'loveys' in there with him.

And No I don't feel bad. And yes I have tried Ferberizing him, but after 20 minutes of straight freaking out, that's obviously not going to work. But it does sometimes.

I don't feel bad about the TV either. He loves to sit in his crib in the mornings, enjoy his bottle and watch the Koala Brothers, or the Wiggles. And some mornings on the weekends, I can give him his bottle and go back to bed for about another hour until he's had enough and wants to get up.

Only 3 hours of my work day left. I think I need some coffee.



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