Life with Diapers

I am the wife of a Corporate Drone by day, Rock Star by night. AND the best mom I can be to a gorgeous toddler. PLUS managing to work full time. And somehow I have turned 31.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

oh screw this....


No that's not enough, Here's some more FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.....

I am turbo-fucking-shit-god damned-annoyed at this job lately. Hey at least I have one right???
I have been busting my ass all morning to clean up old shit before the major work load drops on me because some person is out of the office.....Everything sucks right now, I want to get up and walk out, get in my truck, drive to the Airport and get on a plane heading anywhere.....I don't care that I wouldn't have clothes, All I need is my passport, and for some reason, that's in my purse... Maybe I am subconsciously attempting to run, run far away.
During one of my 3 times up with Baby guy, I was actually planning an escape in my mind. Where I would go, how I would get there, and what I would do for money once I was there. I'm not telling you where I would go, if you know me well enough, you would know.

Well in a matter of just half an hour, my whole work life has been rearranged...
I am going back to my old position, with customers that I used to have a long time ago.
This is considered to be 'high profile' and I am to STOP what I am doing right this second and get started on them.....

quick note.
Last night, ordered Papa Johns pizza, it comes over an hour after the order was placed. 20 mintues into eating the pizza, Hubby and I come to the decision that the pizza sucks and isn't even cooked 100%. I call the store and was greeted by a young voice who told me too bad, we ate half the pizza, I said well everyone had to eat it to even see that it was not cooked all the way through!!! I asked for his manager, he said he was the manager. I yelled, 'And what grade are you in highschool'?!?! He replied he was a Junior in highschool!!! After going back and forth for what seemed like forever... he said the next time we call we get a free pizza.

I told him to shove that pizza up his ass.....


Monday, August 29, 2005

Can someone, anyone, take me out into the backyard and just shoot me now? I am...Well, here is a list:
Sore and Achy

Sore because, well I am sore and achy all the damn time because of my back. Physical therapy is not helping at all. I have wasted about 120 bucks on copays for nothing.
Exhausted because I have had a full weekend, Spent most of the day, I mean HOURS with baby guy to keep him out of the house so Hubby can have some peace and quiet.
Annoyed that Hubby didn't really start to work on schoolwork until AFTER we got home from our outing, and baby guy was just waking up from his afternoon nap. I gave him a good 5 hours and he didn't do anything. He did make some progress in the evening, but come on...

More layoffs this past Friday... I have to get out of this business alltogether. But the money is good, better than I would make somewhere else.

I am contemplating sleeping in baby guys room... why the hell not? These days I am in there atleast once or twice a night getting him back to sleep. Some nights, I give up and bring him to bed with me, but then I get no sleep whatsoever...All while Hubby snores contently... He hardly ever gets up with the baby, must be nice...Yeah I guess never waking up early to change diapers, dress or feed a baby is nice...why do I feel like I am in this alone most of the time???

I'm signing off before I start to get nasty.....

Bitchy Mom.

Friday, August 26, 2005


OK, What a week I have had, I am exhausted. My back is killing me, I have physical therapy tomorrow and they can pull and stretch my bones back into place. My pelvic bone is out of alignment, that's from either the impact of the accident or from me walking funny to compensate for the back pain. This all sucks. It doesn't help sleeping on the worst mattress in the frigging world! We gotta get rid of that thing...

Plus, along with his cold, Baby guy developed Conjuntivitis. Apparently this can happen when infants get colds. Lovely! I have to put ointment in his eyes 3 times daily. Do you know how hard it is to put ointment in an eye? Why can't they just have given me drops?

I'm tired, there isn't enough coffee in this building to get me going this am.

Hubby started school last night. Whoo hoooo!!! I am so happy for him. I think he will enjoy it and the time will fly by. He already has assignments to complete. I remember bitching when I had homework on the first day of school...

Well that's enough out of me this morning...

Monday, August 22, 2005

What a weekend!

What a great weekend I had! Well except for the cold that Hubby, myself and baby guy have...

Friday night, Sophie and I, along with 'The governor' (Sophia's new 'friend', I think he reminds me of Chandler Bing, but he doesn't like that nickname, so we will go with governor) went to see Hubby play in his 80's cover band, The Legwarmers. Sophie's mum watched Babyguy for the evening. He was such an Angel, according to Sophie's mum... I love getting good reports!

Hubby's show was so much fun. I always have fun and I love seeing him on stage. He alway's comes home saying how horrible his shows went. He said on Friday night, there were a lot of mistakes, and I keep telling him that they pull it off b/c we don't see them.
Anyway, We were shitfaced! It was great. I had fun hanging out with 'Gov'. I like him A LOT more than the asshole, looser, user, schmuck she was seeing before!

We watched Sin City on Saturday night, what a weird movie! It was a bit too much to take in, we had to have several smoke breaks. Saturday night, baby guy was upset, not feeling well. At 1am hubby came into his room to tell me we had a critter caught in our mousetrap. He needed 'moral support' while he removed the trap and mouse. I put baby guy back in his crib and went downstairs to get rid of it, hubby watched. The critter was kinda cute. But it had to go, this is our house. No critters, except the dog, allowed. Here's the kicker, the mouse came and stole the bait earlier that day, and when he was caught, there was no bait, what the hell he was doing on the trap without any bait, is beyond me. Hopefully there aren't anymore around. Thats what sucks with a townhouse, its easy for insects and critters to spread out.

Sunday we just layed low, watched Bond movies on TV and had carry out for dinner.

So anyhoo, thats my weekend. I'm going to go take some cough syrup.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My kid's a brute

Today at daycare, I put baby guy down on the play mats with the other infants. They were all sitting there playing with toys.
All of a sudden, Baby guy just reaches over and whops the kid next to him, on the head. He was pulling hair too!
I pulled his arm away and said 'No'. I'm pretty sure he didn't understand what he was doing was wrong. He is only 7 months old...

I asked the teacher if they noticed him doing that alot and they said 'Oh yeah!'
The assistant director was in the infant room and she chimes in with, 'Yeah, Baby guy is going to be a bully when he grows up' They were all joking, not serious at all, but I was alittle distressed to think my kid is being a brute and grabbing and smacking the other kids.

I see little notes in my future, little notes pinned to his chest when I pick him up from daycare, little notes that read 'I hit' or 'I bite'. Is this what I have to look forward to?


Monday, August 15, 2005


Yeah thats right, Bleah!

I'm tired, groggy, annoyed, frustrated and pissed off.

I think that pretty much covers it


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Ehh, no title, just stuff...

I am a bit late with posting, sorry bout that. Some days, I just do not have the time to post.

I had a great weekend though, Went to the beach with Hubby and Sophia. Sophia and I stayed with my brother and sister in law. Hubby is in a band that was playing at the beach. My brother arranged a babysitter for my neice and baby guy and we all went to see Hubby play. It was really good and we all got shitfaced. We had one day at the beach, this was baby guys first time in sand and in the ocean. The water was a bit cold but he loved it and liked being picked up as the waves would come up on shore. Sunday it was raining but cleared up by the afternoon, and we all went to the boardwalk for lunch and watched my neice ride the kiddie rides at fun land. My brother and I have been going to this beach since we were 6 and 7 (now he lives there the lucky bugger) and I saw the exact same rides that we would go on way back then.

We came home Sunday night, Baby guy was having some issues, but thankfully Sophia was there to tend to him so I could drive.

well thats all for now, lots more other things to go into, but no time just yet.


Friday, August 05, 2005

whoo hoooo!

I got a 95 on my first test. Would have gotten a 100. :( The catch to these online schools is they trick you with each question, to catch the people who don't read the question in full. And at least one question is buried deep in the chapter.

So, I got caught up in their trickery. You won't get me next time you silly online schooling people!

Hubby now reads my blog. DAMN!
And here I thought I had a quiet little corner to express, bitch and whine about things....Now I have some 'splaining to do. Hopefully he will understand that what flows from my brain down and out through my fingers is 'heat of the moment' and if feels better to release things.

Hubby should know I love him very much. I know he has his moments where he has stuff to complain about me at times. I just choose to complain in word rather than verbally. Half the stuff I complain about isn't worth the effort and breath to speak.


Thursday, August 04, 2005


Today has started off to be the worst day in quite some time for me.

I wake up late, get the baby up late. While I am in his room, the dog is under my foot everytime I turn around, which isn't typical. I feed the baby and put him back in his crib to watch tv and play while I get ready.
My oaf of a husband is still in bed, he's supposed to be at the gym by now. He starts in with this baby powder smell and what have I done, whats that smell etc... I ignore it and continue to get ready. And he is still going on about the damn smell. Finally I am like, 'Its my perfume, I'm sorry, whatever'! So I finish up and pop into the babys room to get him and once again the dog almost trips me. I come downstairs and the smell hits me like a freight train.

Here I am trying to get the baby in his saucer and away from the smell, turn on the tv so he can watch tv while I clean up DOGSHIT. It was so bad I couldn't just take care of it with a scrub brush. No, I had to break out the carpet steam cleaner! I threw in some bleach for good measure. So 'the oaf' obviously hears my yelling and hears some sort of machine running downstairs at 7am and comes down to see whats going on. I told him to get the dog outside, and what he had done etc... I thought for a second that the dog wouldn't come back! He was scared shitless.
All the while, baby guy is just talking up a storm and dadadad, laalalaa, mamamama this and that.

While the Oaf and I were outside smoking and waiting for the dog to give up and come back, we figured out that the dog was out a lot yesterday, and his last time out was at 11:30 pm! He never does this, ever! I think he did it on purpose beneath the babys jumper. He better quit that shit or we will have some problems. He is probably jealous, but I do play with him, its not like he is ignored since the baby came. He was here first, he was my first 'baby', but hey get with it 'mutt', change happens, deal with it!

I have to go smoke, I'll be back to fill you in on the rest of my day and actually my past week....

ahhh ok I'm back.

So earlier this week, I busted Little Miss Ignorance out to our manager. Last week, she 'warned' me that she would be calling out sick on Thursday and Friday to go to Miami. I wasn't happy b/c it's me who has to cover for her while she is out. All of a sudden on Tuesday she leaves me this message that she has a fever and wont be in. Fine I can deal with that. Then on Wednesday she's out also, same fever. But her messages to me and on phone calls, she sounds fine, shes laughing and shit. Then on Thursday she leaves yet another message, this time she said she went to the hospital and the Dr. said she had 'Viral Laryngitis' and the only way to make sure was to perform a spinal tap. Are you fucking kidding me or what?! First, if your going to lie about an illness get the fucking name right dickhead! It's meningitis you fuckwad! And if for one second, any Dr thinks you have that, you do not refuse a spinal tap, and you don't leave the hospital to walk around like Typhoid Mary!!
So on Friday, shes out again and I had just about enough. I was dealing with her customers and trying to fix things she promised to them weeks prior and dealing with their crisis. I went to my manager and asked if she believed all that crap. She said well Miss Ig sounds really sick, I said yeah I sound sick the first thing in the morning too, and I wished I could have recorded phone calls with her and kept her voice mails to me where she sounds great. So this Monday I finally told our manager about Little Miss Ignorances trip to Miami and that I am sure she will have some color to her face.
Later that morning, Miss Ig comes in and hands our manager a Dr note (lord only knows where that came from) and damn if she doesn't have some color on her! My manager even said, 'my you certainly have some color for being sick' Later that day, my manager called me into her office to tell me that Miss Ig had a dr note and there was nothing she could do. I said well theres something I can do, I will remember this, because this is shit, and I don't appreciate being put upon b/c Miss Ig feels like taking a week off. I also threw in some other stuff about her being such a shitty worker and rude to customers, just for shits.

I started my travel agent studies, so far so good. This is my 'plan B' in life. I don't know how much longer I can deal with Telecom and I don't know what will happen to my job when this merger takes effect. The new company may decide they have their own employees to handle our customers, and decide to let all of us go.

Oh well, its always good to have a backup and I love to travel.

Gotta run, I decided I'm not doing much today, I am going to complete my first test on my travel schooling...



Tuesday, August 02, 2005

It's 9 am, I cannot get my ass into gear and start working just yet...

Yesterday on my way home from work I was listening to the Don and Mike radio show on WJFK, here in the Washington DC Metro area. Anyone who has been in this area for the past 20 years knows who Don (real name, Mike Sorce) and Mike (O'Meara) are.
3 weeks ago Don's wife was tragically killed in an auto accident in Ocean City Md. Yesterday was his first day back. He was only on air for a few hours to explain what happened and take condolence calls from listeners. He would break down occasionally and would get quiet while he regained his composure. It was sad, and it made me cry. Any listener could tell you that Don and his wife, Freda, loved each other unconditionally. I was reading an article in the Washington post today about Don and the loss of his wife. It said basically the same thing I just told you know. But there was a portion I didn't hear:

"Geronimo also described going through his wife's papers after her death. After cracking the family's safe (Freda Wright-Sorce managed all of the family's affairs), he said he found a letter addressed to him in his wife's handwriting. "Dear Mike," he read, "I dreamed last night I died. . . . I wasn't afraid and I felt no pain. . . . Don't be sad for me. My only sadness is my family will be sad for me. Just know that all is right and is as it should be. I am happy." It expressed the hope that she and all her loved ones would be together again one day and was signed simply, "Freda, 10/16/04."

ughhh I'm getting misty reading that.... How much of a coincidence is that? How eery.
