Life with Diapers

I am the wife of a Corporate Drone by day, Rock Star by night. AND the best mom I can be to a gorgeous toddler. PLUS managing to work full time. And somehow I have turned 31.

Friday, November 11, 2005

What a busy week this has been...

Let's see, where to start.
Baby guy's two top teeth already cut through :) Only 1 more on the bottom to come through and all will be quiet for a little bit. Thank god b/c I have been losing my mind. Everything's fine and then 'snap' he's throwing a fit, crying, digging his chubby little fingers in his mouth.

Daycare was telling me yesterday that he lets them feed him with a spoon or fork. But when I feed him dinner at home, he wants nothing to do with the utensils. He has a tantrum unless he shovels his food in his mouth by himself. He doesn't have finger food all the time, and I have to use a spoon for spaghetti-o's and messy stuff like that. As soon as his hands get all goopy and sloppy with food, the first think he does is rub it all in his hair. I used to do that. My mom has pictures of me with a redskins pom pom knitted hat on b/c I would rub my food into my hair and on some occasions, take the whole bowl and dump it on my head. That must be why my hair is so thick and gorgeous!;)
He also had picture day earlier this week. I sent him in his holiday outfit which was a tad too big, so in these pictures his sleeves and pants are rolled up. But he looked adorable, atleast when I dropped him off. And I gave them explicit instructions. No food, bottles or playing with anything until AFTER the pictures. Matter of fact, leave him in his crib until its time. No I'm not being mean, the pictures were at 7:30, I dropped him off at 7:00. And he didnt have to stay in those clothes all day, I brought a change of clothes for him to play in.
I want these to turn out really good, they will be sent out with our holiday cards this year.

Sophie was over for our usual Thursday night shows. Hubby has school that night. We love the OC and Reunion. After the baby goes to bed, we pop open a bottle of whatever and settle in to watch our shows and have cigarette breaks during commercials.

I started to work at the facility near my house yesterday, however its only 1 day a week. I wish I could be there full time, but for some reason, me and all of the other employees that want to be there, can't go, b/c we have to be babysat. Grown adults and we have to be watched. However there is one employee in our group that was allowed to work there full time... favoritism !!!
I love that building, theres a Starbuck's in there for chrissakes! And a huge cafeteria, you can get pizza, salad bar, grilled stuff, french fries, deli, chinese. And its cheap. I love it there.

Anyway, I have to get started working this morning.



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