Life with Diapers

I am the wife of a Corporate Drone by day, Rock Star by night. AND the best mom I can be to a gorgeous toddler. PLUS managing to work full time. And somehow I have turned 31.

Thursday, June 30, 2005


Another round of layoffs, and I am still here at 'Corrupt telecom'

I need to get out of the telecom industry alltogether. This blows...


Monday, June 27, 2005

Today's lesson...

Hello Kiddies...

Today's lesson is 'Make sure you know what you are talking about before you go opening your mouth'

Yes, it's that simple...Please make sure you know exactly what you are talking about before saying anything. Little Miss Ignorance has the WORST habit of thinking she knows what she is talking about and attempts to make herself look wise/smart/needed etc...

However, each and every time, She turns out to be wrong, one way or another. This seems to happen most when she is attempting to make me (or other co-workers) look bad or uninformed.
It's so funny because she talks with such conviction and is so sure of herself. I take pleasure in pointing out that she's wrong and then saying 'BURN' after it is proven (without a doubt) that she is wrong. I only say 'BURN' after we have gone back and forth for an hour, I don't come out with a 'BURN' after a simple error or mix-up. No, it's the ones where I have rock solid proof of something and I just sit there and watch her go down in flames.

She will also fight or argue even when she knows she is drowning! And after the delivery of my 'BURN' she will then turn the situation around, and say something stupid like 'Well, who has time to do that process, I sure don't, I have much more important things to do'-Like her homework on company time-.

If you are going to go opening your big fat yap, at least have the brains to put a disclaimer in front of it. Something along the lines of 'It was my understanding...Etc...' or 'I was under the belief that such and such...Etc'

Oh and on a side note...Please use proper English. There is no such word as 'mines'. Little Miss Ignorance likes to use that word to show possession. A perfect example, 'See that car out in the parking lot next to the Taurus, that's Mines.' Oh how I cringe when she says that in front of Management and Supervisors. She makes up words too! You should hear her on the phone with Customers, I bet they all have a good laugh when they hang up.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Have you seen this site?

I was forwarded this link by a co-worker earlier today... Apparently, people send homemade postcards to an address in Germantown Maryland. On these postcards, people reveal deep dark secrets that they probably swore would never see the light of day...
One postcard states 'He's been in prison for two years because of what I DID. 9 more to go.'

So if you feel so inclined, make up a postcard and send it in. I love reading these secrets...
I would never ever reveal any of my deep dark secrets. There's a reason they are deep and dark. I enjoy keeping my secrets. And I enjoy thinking to myself, when I am speaking with a person whom I keep a secret from, "Ha Ha, if you only knew "

13345 Copper Ridge Rd
Germantown, Maryland
USA 20874-3454

P.S A big 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' to my bro... ;)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Sleep? What's that?!?

I'm tired, no, not just tired, I am fall-asleep-here-at-my-desk, fighting-to-keep-my-eyes-open, I-think-I'll-go-smoke-a-cigarette, that'll-wake-me-up, TIRED.

Long night last night, Baby guy must be teething b/c he was not a happy camper. He fell asleep exactly at 8pm and woke up at midnight, screaming his head off. I tried for an hour to get him to go back to sleep, even tried some infant tylenol for his gums, didn't work. I gave up at 1am and brought him to bed with me. Curt and I didn't get much sleep. I was being woken up by the baby hourly, playing with my face. And Curt kept waking up afraid he was going to roll over on the baby. I had baby guy real close to me, spooning him, for that reason alone.

Long day at work yesterday, working for the most historically corrupt Telecom company in the USA (Don't get me wrong, all the ethics training that have been enforced on us is really working!!) I deal with some of the most ignorant people I have ever met in my life. When you work in Telecom, either you come into the company with the knowledge already or you learn as you go. You have to be accepting to change, b/c Telecom changes daily!
I am amazed that one person in particular has gotten as far as they have. This person has come in with some knowledge, and is being shown new things everyday. EXCEPT she does not feel the need to keep this knowledge for future use. It's obvious she just does not care to pay attention to what you are showing or explaining to her. And that has gotten pretty damn annoying. If you don't care enough to pay attention the first time around, and you keep coming back to me for help, well then don't be surprised if the next time around, I give you bad information on purpose! I should also add that on her yearly review, it was noted that she needed to work on her 'inter-personal skills' now, what's that tell you?

This person in particular also thinks that she can 'assign' me little tasks! I am her equal, I do not do her grunt work! But she thinks that because I *occasionally* have the time to help her with special projects, she can come to me with HER WORK!! Hello!!! It's your frigging job to do these things! Send out your own damn calling cards! Do your own first level investigative work on service issues! That's not my job!!

What really sucks the big one is that her customers used to be mine. This change was made over a year ago and they still to this day contact me directly for help. They do not like Little Miss Ignorance at all, and they are not afraid to tell me so. However, I can't do anything for them. I have to direct them to her when they call. Sometimes I have to get involved when an old issue arrises and I give my input on the problem, but other than that, they are not my customers. If they would only arrange a conference with Little Miss Ignorance's manager and request to have me back on their account, things would go back to the smooth running machine it was before...I have my suspicions that they already have and it's Little Miss Ignorance's manager that has decided to turn a blind eye and keep her on the account.

Oh and Little Miss Ignorance has a different kind of sense of humor, when you tell her off, she thinks your joking. So needless to say, I take full advantage of telling her to get the hell out of my cube, and to shut up and leave me alone, because, hey I am only joking around-right? ;)

So anyway, that's my daily work drama.

I need a new job...I'm thinking of the travel industry

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

So, this is 'blogging' eh?

Ah, the life of maintaining a blog. I didn't really decide to make a blog until I attempted to leave a comment on a friends site. See, that's how they suck you in, they make you register and then go through the whole ordeal of choosing a member name, and then they want to know right then and there, WHAT WILL YOUR BLOG NAME BE???? The only thing that came to mind was 'Life with diapers'.

It's pretty fitting, I am a new mom to a cute little guy named Curtis (after his dad-who is also pretty cute*stop laughing*) anyway, Life with diapers is pretty fitting especially since in the last 24 hours, I have been up to my elbows in baby shit. I don't know where the stinker stores it, but when it comes, Oh Mercy, it just keeps on coming!

Anyway, I figure I will keep this up and going so family can check it out and see any recent pictures of my baby guy...

(see, that's from Tigger, he's from Winnie the Pooh. My guy loves watching it in the morning....All you parent's would understand)

Here is baby-guy, this is his first time in a swing like this. He loved it! Posted by Hello