Life with Diapers

I am the wife of a Corporate Drone by day, Rock Star by night. AND the best mom I can be to a gorgeous toddler. PLUS managing to work full time. And somehow I have turned 31.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

We are finally sleeping!

OK I am sure I am jinxing myself here but FINALLY we are sleeping through the night again. Just in time you know, because I was really going to lose my sanity.

I think I know what was causing it too. I was giving his teeth a quick swipe with his toothbrush and found a new molar had popped through. But would that cause 3 weeks of sleeplessness? He never had his hands in his mouth tugging at it either.

The other day at school during pick up. He came up to me to put on his coat. Just as I get one sleeve in he psyched me out and ran to his friend and gave her a hug goodbye.

A few days before that, he was in the infant room, the teacher had two infants. She was holding one that was crying and the other was in their crib, upset as well.
Little guy goes up to the one in the crib and sticks his hands through the bar. I thought he was going to bop this baby on the head, but instead he picks up their binky and tried to put it in their mouth to soothe the little baby.

how cute is that?

Christmas is coming, only 1 more gift to buy and I am done!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This kid, I'm telling you. I honestly don't know if he is bad or what. Is this what a toddler does? Is this the terrible two's ( which I am convinced DO start in the second year and not just at age 2)? He is loving on me one minutes, playing with my hair, playing peekaboo in it. And then the next second he is chucking his sneakers at my head, and wooden puzzle pieces etc...If this is considered 'Bad' then our next one should be a jewel right? And for some reason, he isn't sleeping very well these nights. In the past 2 weeks, he has slept 2 times through the night. It's killing me.

Little guy has started to hug on me and kiss me, which I love and it would be wonderful if he didn't snap a minute later and start hitting the dog.

We had our first babysitter (that was not family or friend) on Sunday night. It went well, well... as good as the babysitter said...Little guy didn't go to bed as late as I thought he would, he even lead Kelly by the hand and said he was ready to go to sleep. We went to a concert and had a good time. I only had 2 beers. I'm glad when we wanted more beer they had shut down the concession. I really didn't need it and was glad I didnt need to worry about the ride home---In my NEW SUV!

I got a new Durango. I love it. I hated it a while ago but it's grown on me. It's got everything you could ask for in a new vehicle. Little guy loves the DVD player and is constantly begging for Cars to come on the screen. I have never had a new car before in my life.

I was at Little guys school the other day for pick up. Usually its hard to get him to go home, I have to brib him *Let's go see Smokey/Daddy/Nemo*. And this one day I was trying to get him to put on his jacket and head out. He stops and puts his jacket down and walks up to this little girl and hugs her goodbye! How cute is that? Honestly, too cute! I thought he was going to walk up to her and whop her a good one, since he does that to me all the time.

We have talked about having another soon...But with Little guy and his tantrums and behavior, I have my doubts I will have enough sanity to make it through another!


Thursday, November 16, 2006

The other day I pick up little guy and he's wearing a shirt other than what I sent him to daycare in...His teacher said he spilled juice on his shirt. No biggie.
The next day, I get the full story. He was having a snack and decided to take his full dixie cup of apple juice and pour it over his head. I think he gets it from me. I used to do that all the time when I was his age. My mother used to have this redskins pom pom winter hat that I had to wear at every meal.

Little guy sings to himself, I can't make out the words, but I can tell the tunes he's babbling along to. He likes the 'itsy bitsy spider' and 'where is thumbkin'. And at the end of a song he says 'Yayyyy'.

He cannot get enough of the movie Cars. We watched it for days when it first came out of DVD. Disney is now playing little music videos of the soundtrack with clips of the movie, and the world stops until the end of the song.

More later...

Friday, November 10, 2006

I'm baaack!

I am back blogging now. Things were getting hectic around my house. And I have started to feel bad that I have not documented Little Guy more, so here we go...

This kid absolutly kills me some days! We are experiencing the typical toddler actions, Hitting 'NO' etc. He loves on me one minute and then the next, he's bopping me right in the mouth! But how can you get mad at this...

We practiced for weeks saying 'Moo'. This Halloween was his first real trick or treating. Last year, he sat in his wagon and was pulled around by Daddy. He did get treats in his little jack-o-lantern bucket too. But this time was different. He actually walked up to the folks sitting on their front porches handing out candy and held out his candy bucket. It only took a few houses for him to get the grand scheme of things.

He is saying the funniest things sometimes too. His teacher at daycare is named Gina. And when Gina leaves for the day, all the kids see/hear the other teachers say 'Bye Gina'. Well Little Guy thinks thats the normal way to say 'bye' so to anyone who is leaving its 'Bye Gina'. He also does the delayed 'bye' his dad will try to get a 'bye' out of him before he leaves for work or whatever and Little Guy will not say bye, until daddy has left the house and has started up his car.

We have not had any problems with sleeping at night, unless Little Guy is sick. he goes down easy, and takes me by the hand to tell me it's night night time. And after I have tucked him in and am telling him 'Goodnight, Mommy loves you, see you in the morning'. We will have a 'see you' send off, back and forth, and then he finishes with a 'NIGHT'!

We only allow him to have his Binky at night. And sometimes when he is upstairs after work or after dinner, he runs to his room to try to steal the Binky from his crib. He pushes his little arms as far as they can reach, but I have them pushed just out of his reach so he can't swipe them. And for some reason, he has started calling them Binky Balls. No clue where that came from!

We just got the Disney Cars movie on Tuesday. This is the first movie that I have seen him pay attention to for longer than 20 minutes. I am amazed. I have a feeling we will be watching this often in the evenings.

Little guy has only recently started to enjoy books. There are 3 that he loves and one of them is Go Dog Go. I think I read this at least 3 times a night. I can read this w/o even looking at the pages. I loved that book growing up too.

Well thats about it for now. 1 and a half more months until he is offically 2 years old and gets moved out of the toddler room and into the 2's. AND the rate goes down, whoo hoo!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

So he was digging the snow at first, I didnt put him right into it, but after a while, he had enough and was ready to go in.

Happy Valentines day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day.

I tell you this day has already gotten on my nerves and I am trying to not let it upset me b/c it is Valentine's Day, afterall...

Here's my day so far.
Baby guy up at 3:30 am, put him back to sleep. He's awake at 4:30am this time he poo'd and was not happy about it. I hate to change him in the middle of the night, because that just throws him all off. But I HAD to. He was gnawing on his binky, so that leads me to believe his teeth hurt.
All in all, new jammies, new diaper, had to make a bottle for him calm down, tylenol for his gums, tv turned on and Mommy back to bed.
I was asleep for 2.5 minutes when all of a sudden I hear this loud bang. Hubby and I woke up and looked in the baby room, hes fast asleep, hubby looks downstairs, nothing...
This morning as I was getting into the shower, I found the culprit. Baby guy's toy holder in the shower fell off the wall.

So I get up late, get baby up late, get out the door late, as I had to make a makeshift diaper bag for hubbys dad to pick up baby guy from daycare. Get to work late as frigging usual. I cannot continue to have these mornings where I am running around cursing everyone under the sun, and breaking a sweat to get my shit together and baby guys coat on, get him out of the god damn dog bowls, and out the door.
Is it absolutely necessary that I have to get up at 5 in the goddamn morning to get to work by 8am? I dont think so..and I refuse to, I shouldn't have to.

And to top this lovely morning off...


Friday, February 10, 2006


Cooties! Yes, you read that right, Cooties.

Cooties are running rampant at Baby guy's daycare...

He was sent home day before yesterday with a Fever. I got the call 15 minutes before the end of my day...And since he was technically sent home with fever, he had to stay out for 24 hours...
No big deal, I worked from home while he played around, terrorizing the dog and acting like a lunatic. Hmm some fever....

So today we get to daycare and the Infant/Toddler room is deserted. I would say 90% of the children were home sick...with either Diahrea or fever...

I think he had diahreah this morning, or atleast what looked like it. But no fever.
I am expecting to get a call today to go pick him up.

We are expeciting a decent amount of snow to fall over the weekend. Babyguy has never been out playing in the snow, I wonder what he will think of it?

gotta run
I have alot to do today...


Friday, February 03, 2006

This is what happens when Sophie and I take baby guy to the party store